
Feedback Opportunity?!?

I was in a local Petsmart recently buying some flea medication for out cat. The clerk behind the counter had just rung my credit card through when she exclaimed "Oh no - not again!" From my angle I could see a modal window on her computer screen. Since I work in the tech industry I was curious and changed my angle a bit to read the message:

"A feedback opportunity has occurred..." I actually laughed out loud at how my jaded mind translated that into "normal" English - ERROR! Of course the clerk had to restart her (ahem - Windows) computer and lose about six minutes of her day. Its funny how some people are changing the language to remove any form of negative connotation - regardless of its accuracy.

On a recent Podcast about small business startups one of the panelists said these two things: "there are no mistakes and no failures. Failure just means you went down the wrong path" and "there is no such thing as competition. Having competition just means you have failed to properly market yourself". I'm not so sure either of those statements is beneficial in the long run. How can you learn to stand up again if you never acknowledge falling down? How do you learn to run if you already believe you're flying?

I guess what I'm struggling with is the tension between a positive attitude becoming self deception and brutal honesty becoming self disqualification . How do I cultivate a positive attitude while still seeing the stark reality of a situation? How do I face the hard truth about something without becoming discouraged? I'm not a kid anymore, but still have so much to figure out...maybe I'm having a "Feedback Opportunity"!

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